Chicken masala (murgi talkari)

Chicken masala (murgi talkari)

Chicken dishes are Surinam favorites and one way to prepare it, is the Indian way, as done by the offspring of immigrants from India.

And of course, flavored with that typical Surinamese touch!

Chicken curry


* 1 chicken (cut into small pieces)

* garlic (2 - 3 cloves)

* onion (medium)

* masala (curry) powder, 2 table spoons

* sunflower (corn) oil, 4 table spoons

* hotpeppers (optional)

* sugar, half tea spoon

* salt

* water

Directions: serve 4 - 6

* Heat the oil, add the onion and garlic, fry until glazed

* Add the masala powder under stirring

* Immediatly after this, the chicken with the peppers (optional), sugar and salt (to


* Stir and add water (the chicken should just be covered)

* Cook with medium heat until tender

* Serve with white rice, potato masala and string beans, pumpkin or cabbage as a vegetable.