

Suriname is a blending of many cultures; immigrants from all parts of the world settled in this country and brought with them their ethnic food customs.

They also brought native seeds, cuttings and rhizomes and after harvesting the crops, reproduced their favorite recipes.

This all developed into Suriname's traditional culinary art so all recipes have a typical touch, resulting in a unique cultural blending of flavors.

From the wide array, we have chosen a sampler of favorites from the Dutch, Indian, West African, Creole, Indonesian, Chinese, Lebanese and Jewish cuisine.

Suriname is heterogeneous; the cuisine is born out of local tradition, so there is more than one way of cooking, as you will find out in the following recipes.

Whether hosting a big celebration or enjoying a quick and easy family meal, be bold and try something different!

Suriname is located in Northern South America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between French Guiana and Guyana. Suriname has borders with Brazil for 597km, French Guiana for 510km and Guyana for 600km.

The climate is tropical and moist. Daytime temperatures range from 28° to 32° C (82–90° F ). At night the temperature drops as low as 21° C (70° F ) because of the moderating influence of the northeast trade winds, which blow in from the sea all year. The annual rainfall in Paramaribo is about 230 cm (90 in). May to August is the main rainy season, with a lesser rainy season from November to February.

The economy is dominated by the bauxite industry, which accounts for more than 15% of GDP and 70% of export earnings. After assuming power in the fall of 1996, the WIJDENBOSCH government ended the structural adjustment program of the previous government, claiming it was unfair to the poorer elements of society. Tax revenues fell as old taxes lapsed and the government failed to implement new tax alternatives. By the end of 1997, the allocation of new Dutch development funds was frozen as Surinamese Government relations with the Netherlands deteriorated. Economic growth slowed in 1998, with decline in the mining, construction, and utility sectors. Suriname's economic prospects for the medium term will depend on renewed commitment to responsible monetary and fiscal policies and to the introduction of structural reforms to liberalize markets and promote competition. Agricultural products accounted for only 10% of GDP in 1996, with rice, bananas, palm kernels, coconuts, plantains, and peanuts the principal crops. Major industries are bauxite and gold mining, alumina and aluminum production, lumbering, food processing, fishing. Exports partners are Norway 24%, Netherlands22%, US 22%, France 9.5%, Japan 7.6%, UK 6.5% (1997).

Brokopondo is a capital town of the Brokopondo District, Suriname. Commewijne's capital city is Nieuw Amsterdam. Alliance is another major town. Coronie, as with most of Suriname, relies mostly upon agriculture for both its income and its food supply. Marowijne is a district of Suriname. Bananas and rice are the main crops grown in Nickerie. Para is also home to a spring that supposedly has medicinal properties. Paramaribo is a district of Suriname, encompassing the city of Paramaribo and the surrounding area. Saramacca is also the name of a group of Maroons who established communities along the Saramacca River having fled slavery. Sipaliwini district has seen occasional fighting between Guyanese and Surinamese troops over border disputes in the south-west. Papayas and wheat are the main crops grown in Wanica.

The official language of Suriname is Dutch, but many people speak English. Sranan (a Creole language), Hindi, and other Asian Indian, African, and Amerindian languages are also spoken. The most common language is Sranan Tongo, also called Taki-Taki. It combines elements of English, Dutch, and several African languages. The main religion in Suriname is Christianity, followed by Hinduism and Islam. Some Christian groups also follow traditional African practices such as Obeah and Winti.

Traditional art of Surinam includes woodcarvings by the Maroon tribe, trays and gourds that are painted and carved, bows and arrows by the Amerindians, hammocks made of cotton, weaving of wicker baskets and other items, ceramic objects, jewellery crafted from Gold and silver, bamboo handicrafts by the Javanese, batik, imported Chinese jade-wares, Chinese and Indian silks, glass wares, hand-crafted dolls, embroidery, tapestry and other wall decors .

The country's most famous music is the “Kaseko”. The word originates from the expression “casser le corps”, meaning ‘Break the body'. It started with the practice of slavery and is a dance involving very rapid movement of the limbs. Moreover, it is also a fusion dance and music, merging African, European and American music. The music is based on drums; the one most popularly used is the “Skratji”.The other instruments accompanying it are the saxophone, trumpet and trombone. Then there is also another type of music called the Indo-Surinamese music which was born after the Indians landed on the Shores of the country. With it were introduced instruments that are typical of India like the “Dhantal”, “Dholak”, “Tabla”, “Tassa”, “Sitar” and “Harmonium”. Creole folk music is another distinctive genre that involves the “call-response” type of singing in either solo or in chorus.

Many of the Javanese women in Suriname still wear sarongs as they would in Indonesia. The Creole women continue to wear the kotomissie, a traditional costume. It includes a handkerchief called an angisa.

The food of Suriname reflects the country's ethnic diversity. Warungs— Javanese food stalls—serve bami goreng (fried noodles) and nasi goreng (fried rice). Creole food uses tubers, such as cassava and sweet potatoes. Plantains, similar to bananas, are eaten with chicken and seafood, including shrimp. Rice is the staple diet for most people. Pom is puréed taro root, spiced and served with kip (chicken). Moksie alesie is a rice dish with meat, chicken, white beans, tomatoes, peppers, and spices.

Soccer is played in towns and villages everywhere. A great hero of the game is Ruud Gullit, of Suriname descent. He became the captain of the Dutch national team. Another popular sport is swimming.

The Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr celebrates the end of fasting during Ramadan. The Hindu festival of Holi Phagwa is a lively event. Water, paint, and colored powder are thrown into the streets at people passing by. Independence Day, a major national holiday, is on November 25.