Current Beat the Game routes

Normal RTA (any%)

by V0oid, countdown, spikevegeta, headstrong, seancass, tokyo, lackattack, kbz, et al 

This route is a work in progress, so check back often to keep up to date with it. Most discussion around refining this document is taking place in the Switch speedrunning section of the SMRPG discord, so feel free to join there if you have any suggestions to offer or any issues to report.

Normal RTA (any%) No Super Suit

by smbai 

Routes that don't use the super suit are typically slower, but perfectly suitable for runners who aren't ready to do 100 super jumps in a run yet. Like the above document, this route is a work in progress, so check back often to keep up to date with it. 

Most discussion around refining this document is taking place in the Switch speedrunning section of the SMRPG discord, specifically in the No SS thread listed under #switch-speedrun-general, so feel free to join there if you have any suggestions to offer or any issues to report.

Breezy RTA (any%) No Super Suit

by Phantom 

An alternative No Super Suit route that uses the Breezy difficulty.