People's Report on Working Conditions Aboard Steel Hummingbird 01-08-217

Collision causing minor engine fail. No explosion means damage trivial. Only consequence standard unguided missile problem (common with older ship, only serious near planet). Hitting with Khnuta until fixed. New time record for fixing engine by hitting.

Also hitting face. Bishop puts grubs, but calls them worms. Grubs do shrink large black tyre caused by Khnuta hitting eye again. Purified solvent drink more useful. Captain still believes that V. sleeps and has not forgotten smoking rule. Should instead worry about Malcolm and tea: twitchy and not good for flying.

Collision causing hole in hull also. Bishop not sucked out like noodle. Damage involving man named Jiao or Joe or João. Pirate with eyepatch, I think (normal way to fix eye is above). Watch carefully and perhaps hit with Khnuta.

Missing parts all over means need to visit curry restaurant. Not sure about connection. As long as they have pub, not important.

Валентина Волкова