Virtual Meeting

Wednesday 3rd November meeting using Zoom

Posted 04/11/2021 11:50

The meeting included:

A preview of a virtual talk to Shelton Lock Junior School, including the War Memorial Village

1921 census available on Findmypast from 6th January 1922, original images £3.50 per page. The 1931 census was destroyed by fire and there was no 1941 census due to WWII

Derbyshire Record Office appointments are necessary and preorder of documents required

Derby Local Studies appointments are necessary, can order documents on arrival

Derby Family History Society isn’t holding meetings, however there is a Facebook Page

Derbyshire Family History Society | Facebook

A review of Billliongraves – it has helped one member find family graves

Irish relatives – One member has had a break through

Frequency of names – One member has circulated an article