Spondon & Chaddesden Family History Group

About Us

Welcome to the Spondon & Chaddesden Family History Group Website, are you interested in or are you researching your family history or local history?

We hope that our website is a help with your research in some way and perhaps you will join our group

Genealogy is not something you can do without help, we all need it at some time, over the years our members have received help from many people and each other.

If you join us in our group you will have an opportunity to talk to people with similar interests: pick up useful tips; ask for advice and use the Internet to access on-line sources. Each meeting includes a short talk by one of our members on an item of particular interest.

We have no membership fee but we do ask for a small amount to cover refreshments, Internet use and the website each time you attend one of our meetings.

At present we are only holding meetings via Zoom which are free. If you are interested complete the contact us form and we will give you details.

Researching your family tree is a fascinating hobby but at times you need to talk things over with someone who has similar interests. It could be to confirm your findings or suggest other places to look. For more information please complete the Contact Us form on the website.