How to access our Member Pages

To view our member pages you need to register on Google Sites. If you already have a Google account then you just use that, it will send a request to the web master to let you into the Members area, please be aware that this may take a short time as we do not continually look at the requests. It is an easy process and will not harm your Computer, it is just a way of providing a secure area for our members. Follow these simple steps to gain access.

1. You can create a Google Account by going to the Account Creation page, or by clicking this Create an account button on the top-right corner of any Google sign-in page. Or click here.

2. Fill in the required details, Name, email address, password (Remember this) and other information you do not have to provide phone numbers if you do not wish to.

3. Tick the box at the bottom to say that you agree to the terms and conditions then click the “Next” Button at the bottom of the page.

4. You will then be sent an email about your account and product usage to your new Gmail address, which will be your You can still carry on using your original email address and it will not be changed.