October 2019 meeting

  • the role of Defensively equipped merchant ship (DEMS) which was an Admiralty Trade Division programme established in June 1939, to arm 5,500 British merchant ships with an adequate defence against enemy submarines and aircraft. The acronym DEMS was used to describe the ships carrying the guns, the guns aboard the ships, the military personnel manning the guns, and the shore establishment supporting the system.[1] (Wikipedia). This was as a result of one of the members receiving details of her fathers war service. This included a list of the numerous merchant ships her father served on during his naval service WWII as a gunner.

  • Family Tree Maker 2019 – which includes several new features for Family Tree 2017, including options to turn back time as it keeps track of the last 1,000 changes, extends the integration to FamilySearch, showing possible links to FamilySearch and Ancestry in the people index, has a picture cropping tool, one years free access to TreeVault to store your tree on the cloud, mobile app to display family free on iPad etc

  • Drop in the cost of obtaining a copy of a will from £10 to £1.50 https://probatesearch.service.gov.uk/#wills. This includes soldiers wills from WWI. There are 229,481 soldiers wills held by the probate office. These are short wills in the soldiers own handwriting stating who should inherit in the event of their death.