NAME: Ian Roach

WWBA TEAM: Boulder City Bandits



FAMILY MEMBERS: My wife Gina, married 16 years, and my 13-year old daughter Emma

LINE OF WORK: Bar/Live music venue manager

HOBBIES: Board/Role playing games, video games, collecting comics & records, gardening

FAVORITE BASEBALL TEAM & WHY: Chicago Cubs. As a 12 year old, kid in Portland Oregon, my family got cable for the first time in 1982, and WGN out of Chicago covered all the Cub games. I remember watching games at my grandfather’s house all summer long after helping him work in his garden.

FAVORITE BASEBALL PLAYER & WHY: About the same time, Ryne Sandberg was on the cover of Boys Life magazine (yes, I was a Boy Scout). I was an infielder all through Babe Ruth and high school, and he became my idol. As an adult, Ichiro was my favorite player to watch.

FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: After high school, I got to play a year of fast-pitch softball with my dad and uncle, it was really cool to see the lineup card with Roach-Roach-Roach in the top 3 spots in the order. Ever since then, I’ve thought that Griffey and his dad going back-to-back is the best thing that’s ever happened in baseball.

1ST MLB GAME YOU ATTENDED & WHEN: Not exactly sure, but it was a Mariners game in the late 70s with my dad.

HOW DID YOU GET INTO THE WWBA? Jim Lee became a friend hanging out at the Double Down Saloon where I’ve worked for 20+ years, and he conscripted me.

WHAT OTHER LEAGUES DO YOU PLAY IN: I’m co-manager of a team in the Rosenblatt Association with Jim, it’s our first year.

WHAT YOU LIKE /DISLIKE ABOUT DMB: The Net Play Option is unnecessarily difficult and glitchy.

OTHER PRO SPORTS YOU ENJOY WATCHING: I used to be a huge fan of both basketball and football, but don’t watch much anymore. I became a big NHL fan when the Golden Knights arrived in Vegas a few years ago, so now I pretty much just follow baseball and hockey.

YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE: Raiders of the Lost Ark

THE TYPE OF MUSIC DO YOU LIKE: Basically everything, from punk to classical, hip hop to show tunes.

THE BEST BOOK YOU EVER READ: I’m an avid reader, too many to choose from. Though I’ve probably read Lord of the Rings more times than any other books.

ANY PERSON LIVING OR DEAD YOU WOULD LIKE TO MEET & WHY? If I can pick someone who’s passed away, I’d just want one more day to go golfing and drinking with my dad.

YOUR WORDS TO LIVE BY: “ Don’t Panic ”