Enzyme pg 08

Enzymes 101  A Laboratory Experiment (continued)

One fix for this problem is to eat everything raw. In fact, forty years ago, the American Cancer Society suggested this very thing in their ‘anti-cancer’ diet. It’s been proven again and again, in study after study.

Let’s talk about the Eskimos for a second. For centuries these hearty people survived in one of nature’s harshest environments, with a diet that consisted largely of seal meat and whale blubber. I don’t have to tell you, that kind of diet is going to be high in fat. But cooking it was never convenient for them. They ate it raw! Not that I would recommend that in a warmer climate, but when you live north of the Klondike, in a refrigerator, it’s probably OK. As I’m sure you know most bacteria prefer warmer locales.

Anyway, these cool cats had longer life expectancies than the average American; that is until they were modernized shortly after Alaska became a state. Now the latest generation of Eskimos has seen major changes in their eating habits, (less whale blubber and more Vitamin W!), and deals with obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease right along with the rest of us.

By pointing this out I’m not saying they shouldn’t have been ‘modernized’. They’re now a habitually warmer people, even if they aren’t living quite as long. This illustration was simply to point out that raw, enzyme rich food can make you live longer, regardless of how freakin’ freezing you are.

I’m not sure when it started, but there is an interesting trend going on in laboratories around the world. While thirty years ago researchers were driven to see how smart they could make a mouse or rat, today researchers are compelled to find out how long they can make a mouse or rat live! Of all the methods they have tried for rodent longevity, the one they have found that works universally across the board is a diet of raw food.

Postmortem examinations carried out on middle-aged humans find that is common for the pancreas to be oversized; up to SIX TIMES larger than that of a young adult, and often on the verge of failure. If we compare it to the pancreas found in middle-aged gorillas we find their pancreases to be of normal size. What gives? Gorillas eat a raw food diet. Could it be that by the time we’re hitting 50, our pancreas has had it trying to make up for our enzyme-poor eating? Did it have to enlarge to keep its production of metabolic enzymes up high enough to keep the body functioning and still break down three square enzyme-poor meals a day, plus snacks and dessert?

The evidence screams in our face – a diet of raw foods is the key to ultimate health and longevity.

Continue to page 9 - The Fix Needs Fixed

One Possible Fix