Welcome Zane and Zelda

Post date: Apr 29, 2012 11:55:35 PM

Normally I don't change ferrets names but Fievel and Tinkerbell just didn't fit. We are Eureka junkies and as a tribute to the last season we choose Zane. But the little girl is not a Josefine/Joe. She is a sweet princess - Princess Zelda. Should probably have been Link and Zelda but we love Zane.

So these two were taken in by a family from someone who moved to where they couldn't keep them. Then the family learned that their cats wanted to kill the ferrets. So they didn't get out of the cage. These are two of the sweetest young ferrets I have meet in a long time. Said to be 1 to 1.5 years old. Zelda maybe the younger one.

Both are a little thin. You see if you leave a ferret in a cage all the time they sleep. So they will rarely eat and get thin with little muscle tone. So now they are on a diet of exercise with their unlimited high protein diet. Now remember that the old food a new ferret used to eat must be made available so the transition to the food you use is accepted.

We will let them play with the more quiet group and gain weight until we look for new homes for them. These will be great first time ferrets.