
This web page has been created as an answer to a new challenge set by the online course #EduGoalsMOOC by INTEF: The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning.

During week 3, we were asked to survey our students on their digital footprint awareness and how their parents attitude towards their use of the net was. The results were surprising: very few parents Knew what their kids did online and even fewer cared about it and knew what to do. I concluded my Week 3 post in my learning journal claiming for an parental training scheme as part of the solution to such problem.

Since I teach in a High School (IES Ruiz Gijón) in Seville (Spain) I have decided to produce this digital safety, citizenship, and learning resource for parents in Spanish,so that I can use straightaway with them and inoculate in them the above mentioned digital awareness. However, I have included a translation bar with a link to Google Translate while the English versión is under construction.

I must credit INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad) & OSI (Oficina de Seguridad del Internauta) and their web sites http://www.incibe.es y http://menores.osi.es for all the information displayed.