Washington County Groundwater Advisory Board

To my knowledge, this Advisory Board was a ground-breaking advisory board. It was the first in Minnesota to take a hard look at the groundwater in a county. I learned a lot, but was also able to contribute quite a bit from my perspective of mayor of a Village. We found groundwater, like water districts, knows no boundaries and crosses enumerable borders (county, municipal, township, water). Our Board also examined how groundwater is controlled and used. It is a big deal and effects business and people. We came up with recommendations that were adopted by the County.

Here is language from County Board's Groundwater Plan:

"Groundwater is perhaps Washington County's most valuable natural resource. High quality drinking water, healthy streams, clear lakes, fish habitat, rare plants and economic vitality all depend on protecting and conserving groundwater resources. The overall goal of the Washington County Groundwater Plan is to:

Protect the economic and environmental values groundwater provides through coordinated, intergovernmental efforts in research and assessment; policies; political influence; regulation; education; and consultation and technical assistance. "