Ambient Networking

My friend at Macalester College who works on their Facebook and Linked-In, described "ambient networking" as trying to embed your message in as many possible venues and ways as possible.

While at Century, I make sure I talk about the GPS LifePlan when I am introducing students to eFolio - because the GPS LifePlan is a fabulous way to find what to put into your eFolio.

I have also designed many marketing pieces from large to small. The smallest is a business card sized card students can add their Century login information AND information about the GPS LifePlan, as well as login information about eFolio.

At the larger end of the spectrum, I designed posters that I put up for students to read while they are standing in line to buy books at the bookstore. The students can read about all of the benefits of the GPS LifePlan - from Careers to Personal Planning, and everything in-between including GPS and eFolio.

I also wrote, filmed and edited more than 50 fifteen second videos highlighting the benefits of the GPS LifePlan.