


By Randy LaFoy

June 19, 2008

This is what I believe.

I believe in love, and passion. Democracy and decency are critical to a just society. I believe in my family, children, siblings, parents and in-laws. I think highly of skipping. Twinkling stars and the Milky Way, fireflies and northern lights over a lake are hard to beat. I hardily recommend a loyal dog and a hearty breakfast. I've found volunteering usually gives you back more than you give. Jokes, silly riddles and laughter can never be overrated. Winning a prize at the county fair in any category is fantastic. Doing anything with a friend(s) is worth doing; and a simple walk to traveling with my best friend - my wife, is the ultimate trip. Follow the advice others with wisdom, and common sense (but the hard part is separating the wheat from the chaff). Don't act your age and don't be afraid to try new things. Act with grace and courtesy. Talk to everyone and treat them like you want to be treated; and when you are doing this compliment and inquire - you'll learn more than you could reading and you might make some new friends in the bargain. You will receive a body - use it and don't abuse it. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Learning does not end. "There" is not better than "here;" don't wish your life away; life cannot be a series of regrets; what you make of your life is up to you. Make goals, keep track of them, and DO them - don't just think about them. Don't blame others for your (or your children's) problems. You will not win the Powerball; but the best Powerball is a wonderful wife and healthy, happy children. Render onto the Caesars in life what is theirs - taxes pay for things you, your children, grandchildren and others use today or someday will use. Someone eventually has to do the dishes. No one ever has been buried with their fancy dishes. You don't need to color inside the lines all of the time. Don't ever hurt a child; ever, ever, ever. Be proud of what you do. When in doubt, take the high road, or what would your mother say - the heck with the front page of the paper. Don't get, or act or do stupid. Enjoy life, don't just go through it. Life rewards those who show up. Keep a journal. Keep your word. Being kind is more important than being right. Money doesn't buy class. You can't say I love you enough. People, Especially children are assets, not problems. Sex changes everything. The best revenge is living well (but sometimes it is not as satisfying). Don't let the dark stuff suck you in.

Finally, believe in the mysterious - face it, there are some things we just can't figure things out. But, on the other hand, I believe one shouldn't give up, rather one should keep trying and learn even more - and once you learn something new, play it forward. I hope you will too. Isn't this the cornerstone of one's legacy?

I originally wrote an essay with four paragraphs, but the more I thought about my life and how I interact with my family, friends, students, constituents (I was the mayor of a small town) and others, I realized my life is more complicated than just a few things. Just as there are many facets to my life, there are many things I believe in. At different points in the day, week, month, I am guided certain principles that steer my life. These are the most important ones.

In short, this essay took me three months to wrote, you are receiving the 20th (but maybe not final) copy.

About myself

I am a middle aged guy who is a soccer dad who is in pretty good health. My oldest daughter is leaving for college, which led me to a sort of introspection because I recall going to college and the emotions and idea(l)s that I had then - many years ago. I was the mayor of my town of 920 for eight years, but am not running for re-election - it's someone else's turn. I am looking for a full-time job so I can help pay for college. I have never stopped learning. I keep a journal, and maybe think too much. I have a long list of things I need to do and places to visit I have a great wife who I hope accompanies me for the next set of adventures, where ever they may lead me/us. **

*This I Believe is an international project engaging people in writing and sharing essays describing the core values that guide their daily lives. Over 60,000 of these essays, written by people from all walks of life, are archived here on our website, heard on public radio, and featured in weekly podcasts. The project is based on the popular 1950s radio series of the same name hosted by Edward R. Murrow.

** I submitted this essay, but it was not published. I went through seven drafts. it is still not done. It will never be done.