Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Suggester - Everything is possible.

You are full of passion and imagination. Life for you is full of possibilities. You can quickly find connections among all kinds of information and matters and handle things confidently according to the patterns you find. You are eager to get validation from other people and also you are quite generous about your praise and support of other people. You are very casual and flexible. You are gifted with a rare eloquence and the ability of improvisation.

ENFP Celebrity: Tom Hanks, American Actor.

Introversion I or Extroversion E - You can get your energy from where you focus your attention.

Your are Extroverted Tendency, that concerned about how you influence the outer environment: concentrating your psychological forces and attention on the outer world and communication with other people and like meeting, discussion and chatting.

people different from you are Introverted Tendency, that concerned about how the changes of the outer environment influence yourself: concentrate your psychological forces and attention on your inner world, and focus on your inner experience, thinking, idea and emotion. You prefer to think independently and read.

Sensation S or Intuition N - What will you notice more when you receive and perceive the information from the surrounding world.

Your are iNtuition Tendency, that like abstract theories and principles. You are concerned with the entirety of things and the tendency of change and development. You are concerned about inspiration, imagination and creativity. You like implication, analogy, connections, possibility, inference and prediction.

people different from you are Sensing Tendency, that are conerned about the detailed information gained through sense perception: things that you see, hear, smell, taste and touch. You notice details and descriptions more. You like to use and develop the skills you already have.

Thinking T Or Feeling F - How do you make decisions.

Your are Feeling Tendency, that attach the most importance to the feelings of yourself and other people. The value and harmony will be your standard for evaluation.You are very sympathetic, kind, friendly and considerate. You always think about how your your behavior will effect the feelings of other people.

people different from you are Thinking Tendency, that pay attention on the logic relationships among things. You like to evaluate and make decisions through objective analysis. You are very rational, objective and fair. You think principles are more important than being flexible.

Judging J or Perceiving P - How do you organize and design life.

Your are Perceiving Tendency, thatneed to collect more information before you make a decision. So you try to understand and adapt. You focus on process and change your goals based on the information changes. You always allow for unforeseen circumstances in your daily life. You like a loose and free life style, which may be bit disordered.

people different from you are Judging Tendency, that like to make judgements and decision. You like to make plans and would like to manage, control and drive for the results. You focus on accomplishing the task. In your daily life, you hope your life is organized, step by step and respect the timeline.


Test taken 10/22/15 from this site: