The Sliver Dragon roars again !!!

Post date: Nov 14, 2011 9:18:54 PM

September rocks one of the biggest river bores in the world 


 For Mary Osborne, Wingnut, Curren Caples, Pato, Sergio Laus, Colilin Harrington, Sergio Laus, Nick Taylor and Chloe  Calmon

Surfing the Qiantang River Tidal Bore in China, September 2011.


So cool  to see these surfers returning to the Silver Dragon2011 and sharing the mind blowing  power of this

 huge river tidal  bore movement with us all .

It is opening a door to the ongoing  future of  inland river surfing   internationaly ,China is getting on board allowing more surfers to shred this sacred river and event , much respect to all involved .


It is like clockwork like many tidal bores  of the world this year looked like nice weather and huge tubes and the face's look  like  mountain like waves  smoothing the colorful shores with the  beauty of China and the beast  that is  this river . 



"Story  and photo above property of  Mary Osborne "

link to Marys side of the story and site below  

view  video  for MO action.

Surf  click here