River waves

Post date: Sep 2, 2010 5:57:56 AM

England  the inland waves to the  river  Boars.

  Cup o tea not surfing one thinks of Inland England  the little river river ribble Lancashire looks like one heck of a surf  wall of thunder army of waves behind .

As many have pioneered lake surfing, river surfing  the standing waves and boar surfing along with my favorite  tanker surfing .A closer look at the boar a incredible tidal and river phenomenon that occurs in many places around the world to some chaos understood I imagine to others as has been seen epic long surf this is a true place the river tides around the world the gathering the true root of inland surfing is where the ocean meets the river head on .

Tidal river bore on the river ribble Lancashire shown along the section of river between the entrance to the River Douglas and Preston

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