Surf the  Wild West Montana

Post date: Apr 5, 2018 5:56:05 PM

Memorial Weekend Surf Jam 2018 Calling all world wide wave hunters & river surf rats  . 

Montana is a incredible river surf destination and the swollen Yellowstone river gets  massive. We  highly recommend heading into the wild west this May 2018 to Memorial Weekend Surf Jam, high tide. Fireman by trade wave hunter ,surfer by soul Mr Gregory Roper is the host of the river surf jam  May 25, 26 on the Springdale wave and other Yellowstone river waves . With a great snow pack in Montana  this year . When Gregory contacted us about promoting his event , we decided to contact the host .

RSM: Aloha Gregory Roper hope all is going good .

RSM:   Gregory when was the first time you went river surfing   & what type of board to you prefer . 

 GR : The first time I tried surfing in the river was 1994 at Scutters Falls on the Delaware river, I went kayaking with some buddies,

as we were playing the thought occurred to try it with a surfboard.

I started surfing around 87. I moved to South Carolina, met my wife who was originally from Montana and she eventually

 wanted to move back. We moved to Billings in which the Yellowstone River runs through it.

One while fishing in 09 I found a standing wave and started surfing it when it was in.

 In 2010 we had major flooding with super high flows that eroded the bank and moved the boulders that formed the wave.

I was bummed that my chances of surfing were gone.

 In 2011 I took a surf trip to Ecuador and felt home sick when I returned.

 Surfing has been a major part of my life since I was 14 and being landlocked really sucked.

 Well sure enough during high water I scoured and scouted out the river for something to surf.

I came across a video of lunch counter in Wyoming found out it was 6 hours away and what flows it was in.

So that June I took a trip, struggled at learning the wave but eventually got it. So that was my big thing watching the flows and heading to Lunch counter.

Still it was not enough. .

RSM:Can you give us a brief history on Montana’s river surfing scene , the past till now . 

GR: The kayak community is small here, and every time I met a kayaker I would pick their brain, but they would not share info. My wife and I took a road trip to the Washington coast and stopped in at Strongwater.

I met Luke and KB and was stoked to find out that I was not the only guy in Montana that surfed and I walked out with one of their boards. I purchased a board with the thought of using it in the ocean and maybe the river. I told him the issues I found by using an ocean board in the river he stated the board I purchased would make it easier.

RSM: The waves on the Yellowstone river look incredible ,can you tell us a little about the river waves . 

GR: Fast forward in July of 14 I was driving down the frontage road and something caught my eye. It was a wave train that could only be seen from 1 spot so I had to stop and check it out. I was absolutely amazed at this perfectly place wave. I rushed home and grabbed my board and raced back.


It was just fucking amazing ...I can't describe the joy it brought.

After a few days the flow dropped and it was gone. I thought about that wave every day, it haunted me I was obsessed. I drove back many times and there was no sign of it existence. Then one day about the middle of January We had a warm sunny day so I took a little drive. I decided to stop and just look at the river and to my surprise there was a wave. The joy just took over me. I started jumping up and down with excitement it was the same as the first video released as Slater seeing his first man made secret wave. I surfed a lot the next month or so. I met some kayaker and told them of my find and they gave me the yeah whatever. Needless to say I had the spot to myself until the flows rose and it disappeared. One day I went back and another wave was in only only bigger greener and a lot more fun. Since then I have introduced a bunch of people to this wave and river surfing. I named it the G-spot, mostly because of a discussion I was having with some kayakers mainly the ones who brushed me off. These guys love this wave I discovered. We have become friends and they started sharing wave spots.

So far I have found 13 waves on the Yellowstone. Some that were told to me and others I have found.

RSM: That wave sounds awesome , Gregory  thanks for sharing your waves and insight ,Is your event a contest  or just a surf jam .

GR: The Surf Jam is not a competition it's a time for like minded River Surf Rats to come and play on a superb wave while making new friends. I have traveled all around the surrounding states and surfed many waves and met fantastic people. I just want to share this little gem.

RSM :The Yellowstone river is massive are  you allowed to use motor craft ,jet skis .

GR: One of my favorite waves is in Springdale Montana called the Springdale wave. It is I have a jet ski in which I use for wave access and searching for new waves. You are allowed boats and jet skis on the Yellowstone from Livingston and east. The only motorized boats are jet boats. I have spent many hours floating to an from waves in a 14 self bailing raft. The jet ski makes it quicker but limited on friends that can join. the wave flows around  13,000cfs to above 30,000. It's similar to Glenwood but only bigger. That is one of the reasons for the Surf Jam.


RSM:What can one expect making the trip to the surf jam this year 2018 and what types of boards & wetsuits would you recommend . 

GR: Early season  you should use a 4/3 wetsuit and about Memorial Day you can start to move towards a 3/2.

 I have surfed many types of boards and I love my 5'0 Runt the most on real river waves. I have 11 boards of different shapes sizes and materials.

I'm not a board snob but I must admit The Runt is a superior wave riding board but it's tough to surf park waves such as RRP and Boise.

RSM: Gregory  thank you for your time and pure stoke for wave hunting anything else you would like to add .

GR: Hopefully I answered some of your questions and not bore you but I'm stoked, addicted, obsessed and excited about river surfing.

I love exposing people to this lifestyle and I have met some great people. I'm excited to see what the future brings.

RSM: We do  too Gregory, thank you for sharing yours and wish you a Happy High tide and a stoking event this year and every year forward  peace waves respect

 surf bardda !

River Surfer Magazine 2018 , All photos courtesy of Gregory Roper .

More info on the Surf Jam click link ,visit facebook .

Memorial Weekend Surf Jam 2018 Calling all wave hunters . 

"Come Join us on the Yellowstone River surfing one of Montana's supreme river surfing locations. We will be surfing all day, and camping on the Yellowstone River at Greybear campground located 8 miles from the Springdale wave.

If camping is not your thing there is a Super 8 located 13 miles away in Big Timber Montana.

The Surf Jam is all about celebrating River surfing and the small, but ever growing, River Surf community. Come make new friends who share the love of the river and the waves it offers us. Yellowstone River offers up to 9 different waves within 20 miles of the little town of Springdale. The Springdale wave is surf able at 12,000 cfs on the Livingston gauge and only gets better with more flow, 30,000cfs. All other waves are flow dependent up to 10,000 cfs.

We are looking forward to seeing you. "

Gregory Roper ,Wave hunter , Surf Host ,Yellowstone River Surf Crew member .