
A local wave report from the Sacramento area ,floods end year 2010 inland coastal America...Surfing...Soul...respect.


anks for the wave report Josh How did you get into river surfing -Josh : I started out in the ocean Body Boarding. You can never get out to the ocean very often living in Sac It is a 2-3 hour drive and gets expensive if I go often. So when swimming in the rapids one day I saw a kayaker on a river wave doing all sorts of freestyle tricks. I figured we could do this on our boards! And we did it... RSM:What type surfboards do you surf in the river .Josh: I use Morey & BZ foam Body Boards & the boards I built out of fiberglass & epoxy they are all Body Boards as well. I have a Surf Board but it doesn't perform well in river current . The plan is to build a river surfboard strong enough to take a river beating and buoyant enough to stand on. RSM:That is a good plan you tear it up on that shorty body board  way sick style shorty boards  rule strong ones at that ! that wave is sick you are surfing have you tried stand up paddling in the river and waves yet .

Josh: I would like to stand up paddle surf it has become a goal of mine . I have always liked riding Body Boards I like the versatility of riding drop knee or prone. I guess you could say I just want to surf any way possible and use what works best at that given time.

RSM:You have been surfing over twelve years....a stupid question ,do you surf in Cali and what is it that has driven you to surf rivers you are truly a pioneer. cheers to the California way the American River way .

Josh: I just love surfing, love the rush. It saved my life in fact. But that is another story. RSM:Do you have any plans to river surf other places around the world and hunt more waves, in Cali for sure has some way cool rivers , Josh:Yes, when the funds are available to do so. RSM:How do you view river surfing future competitions in USA River States and world wide .It would be cool, but along with that comes the bs and that is far from what river surfing is about for us but networking with like wise surfers world wide and having more of just river Jams for the love of surfing is key to River Surfing's Future it has always been 40years strong are we in the future ,what is your opinion . Josh:That sounds cool in fact bring it here! If it doesn't get too competitive like pro sports and their over paid jokers and drama that would be great.

RSM:Along with above that it is cool how you have become a river wave forecaster, we are all pioneers as well to network with others to find what is out there river waves, bores, and flows is our goal along with Aloha where is aloha for you .

Josh: Playing music & surfing is aloha for me.

RSM:Any advice coming from a river veteran

like your self about river surfing and those heading for the river first time and now .I like how wear proper protection big respects rocks hurt and a knock out could be death in the river .Josh : Wear the right gear. If you have never been in the river get instruction so you don't die. It can be very unpredictable at times! RSM: Josh big surf respects. If you haven't connected up at RiverSurfing .ca the HQ of the World River Surfing Association you should you are family, check it out peace and waves bradda !!! Surf ON!!!! thanks for the wave report...River Surfer magazine