Post date: Oct 20, 2009 4:46:42 AM
I think I need to wrap this up. This exercise of taking new pictures has been good for me. Today I looked at some of the rear triangle pictures and the fork bending pictures and realized that these were much better than what was on the website. There is a new bit here http://www.recycledrecumbent.com/pictures%202.htm about what to do if the seat stays are too wide to fit snug on the seat lug. Down below that I have used the pictures you saw here for how I align the frame and the rear triangle on the table. Here http://www.recycledrecumbent.com/pictures%204.htm the whole business of bending a fork to add rake is pictured accurately, which it wasn't until this morning. Consider those links a part of this "Octlberfest' diorama, and read on if you will. The pictures that aren't on the website are of the six forks I've just finished today. It was a peaceful, contemplative Friday afternoon. Nobody bothered me, I worked serenely through all 6 forks (one is a replacement for Andrew, one is just a spare - in case one of this set mucked up). Here in a row are those 6 forks. It's good to bend them all and let the clunkers fall where they may - before you bother to strip any paint from them. The stripping was last night, so to speak. Today the 'factory' added bridges to all 6 of them. That's the second shot in this post. 406c wheels, this bridge is just right for the yet to be drilled hole to support a caliper brake set. There are some detail shots to add to the web page from this exercise as well, but they aren't there yet.