Hearth is Where the Home Is:
FWIC COVID Chronicles


E-book Project – submitted by Judy Page Jones

We can safely say that 2020 was one of the most memorable years in history, the Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted just about everyone in Canada in some way.

When we researched what WI members did during the last pandemic, the Spanish Flu, we could find extraordinarily little information. This is where the concept of the E-book was created about the experiences of WI members during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We will use the articles that have been previously sent in to the W.I. Connection newsletter, but we still would like more articles, poems, stories, pictures of what your Branch /County /District /Province, or what you have done during the past difficult year.

What did your members do about meetings, were they involved in community work, how did you celebrate the holidays, start any new traditions? Send all articles by email to: judyqwi@gmail.com, or mail to:

Hearth is Where the Home Is
170 West Brome Rd., West Brome, QC J0E 2P0