January 2020 Meeting Report

May the FORTH be with you ...

Andrew took a trip down memory lane.

A single board computer (Intel80C31 based) was viewed in a 5 min meeting segment,

it had been designed as part of a TAFE course in the 1980s.

Fitted with F83 Forth it was "unearthed" in a new year de-cluttering exercise.

In a world now drowning in ideas such as C and micro python this emergence prompted

a web search to find out what happened to Forth.

A FIG (Forth Interest Group) item was discovered :

"Lost at C? Forth May Be the Answer" in which a claim is made :

"What if, after a week or two of familiarization, you could turn out at least three

times as much finished code in a day as your fellow programmers?

Would you be interested? If so, listen up to hear how you can do all

this with Forth."

Andrew wonders if some

software "archaeology" is warranted to find out more?