What about the Truvada lawsuit ads I'm seeing all over?

Law firms are advertising all over Facebook asking people to join a class action lawsuit against Gilead, the manufacturer of Truvada. Some of the ads make scary-sounding claims about alleged dangers of taking Truvada and other Gilead medications. These claims range from wildly exaggerated to completely false.

The lawsuits were initiated by a firm called "HIV Litigation Attorneys." The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) has provided the funding. (HIV Litigation Attorneys makes this clear through the following statement on its website: "PAID FOR BY AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION.”) AHF and its founder Michael Weinstein have been long-time opponents of PrEP, bizarrely claiming that PrEP is a threat to the “condom culture” that they believe is a defining characteristic of the gay community.

Contrary to the claims made in some of these advertisements, PrEP is safe and effective. Aside from total abstinence, it is the single best protection we have against sexually-acquired HIV.

Please read the articles below for more information.

According to an article in the 30-December-2019 Washington Post, "Facebook has quietly started removing some misleading ads about HIV prevention medication, responding to a deluge of activists, health experts and government regulators who said the tech giant had created the conditions for a public-health crisis."

Sources and Notes

Please read these two excellent articles for more information about the lawsuits.

Revised 30 December 2019 — Give feedback on this page