Are there PrEP resources specifically for doctors and healthcare providers?

Yes, there are! Some of the best are listed below.

Printed and Online Resources

  • The CDC Resource Page for Providers contains extensive information about PrEP for doctors and healthcare providers.
  • The CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for PrEP is a particularly useful resource that summarizes the evidence for the safety and efficacy of PrEP and tells doctors how to prescribe PrEP and perform the recommended clinical follow-ups and monitoring tests. If your healthcare provider is new to PrEP, you can print out the guideline and bring it to your appointment.
  • Notes for Medical Providers are included in the 16-page "PrEP Facts" brochure from the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.

Telephone Hotline for Doctors and Other Healthcare Providers

The University of California San Francisco maintains a PrEP "hotline" for doctors and other healthcare providers. The UCSF Clinical Consultation Center "PrEPline" is staffed by an expert team of HIV clinicians who advise healthcare professionals on the indications for and proper implementation of PrEP.

Call 855-448-7737 from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern time, Monday – Friday

Printable Links for Healthcare Providers

If you want to print this page and provide it your healthcare provider, here are readable links to the resources listed above:

  • CDC Resource Page for Providers:
  • CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for PrEP:
  • Notes for Medical Providers (San Francisco AIDS Foundation):
  • UCSF Clinical Consultation Center:
Revised 16 July 2018 — Give feedback on this page