How can I find a provider in my area who will prescribe PrEP?

United States

If you are in the United States, use the PrEP Locator to find healthcare providers near you who know about and can prescribe PrEP.

For consumers in the US, the American Academy of HIV Medicine Provider Directory also contains helpful listings.


If you are in Australia, use the PrEP'd for Change Provider Map.


In Brazil check the listings at Serviços de Saúde - PrEP.

France and French Overseas Terrorities

If you are in France or one of the French overseas territories, use the Où trouver la PrEP provider directory.

Germany and Austria

If you are in Germany or Austria, use the provider directory.

Other Countries

If you know of resources like these available in countries other than the United States, please let us know using the feedback link at the bottom of the page.

Revised 17 April 2019 — Give feedback on this page