Can I use generic drugs for PrEP? Do they work the same as the brand name drugs?

About Generic PrEP Medications

Generic Truvada is approved and available in many countries, including the United States. It is marketed under the names Tenvir-EM, Ricovir-EM, Adco-Emtevir, Tafero-EM, and others. The generics contain the same active ingredients as brand name Truvada. They work the same and provide the same clinical benefits as brand name Truvada. When a government health authority approves a generic drug, that means the generic is interchangeable with the brand name drug. There is no reason to question the safety or efficacy of approved generic drugs.

According to FDA:

  • Generic medicines work the same as brand-name medicines.

  • Generic drugs must meet high standards to receive FDA approval.

  • Approved generic medicines are generally only sold after patents and exclusivities protecting the brand-name version end.

  • Generic medicines cost less than brand-name medicines.

Getting Generic PrEP Medications from Online Pharmacies

According to many reports in the PrEP Facts Facebook group, people have successfully ordered generic Truvada from several online distributors. As a convenience, we have listed them below. We cannot and do not endorse any specific distributor. Generic Truvada is usually labeled Tenvir-EM, Ricovir-EM, Adco-Emtevir, or Tafero-EM. For more information about generic Truvada, read "Are there generic versions of Truvada? Do they work the same as brand name Truvada?"

IMPORTANT! PrEP is not just a pill you take. You need lab tests before you start PrEP and periodically while you stay on PrEP. You also need regular visits with your doctor or healthcare practitioner.

Distributors (in alphabetical order):

Indian pharmacy All Day Chemist is not listed here because of a report that this pharmacy has supplied HIV medication that was defective or counterfeit.

Revised 29 April 2021 — Give feedback on this page