

Dr Andrei Storozhev, Mathematician employed by the Trust, received a BH Neumann Award from Trust Chairman Mr Greg Taylor AO at a function at the Boathouse Restaurant, Canberra on Saturday 21 May 2005.

[Andrei Storozhev]

Andrei receives his Award from Mr Taylor.

[Andrei Storozhev]

Andrei with, from left son Theo, wife Elena, daughter Anastassia, mother-in-law Maria and father-in-law Fyodor.


Having graduated with a PhD in Group Theory at Moscow State University, Andrei migrated to Australia in the early 1990s.

For over ten years he has worked as a professional mathematician at the Trust's office in Canberra, largely working as a mathematical editor.

Andrei's service to mathematics teaching in Australia has gone well beyond his call of duty.

For most of his time in Canberra he has been one of the team of teachers at the Canberra Friday night enrichment classes, and for much of this time he also ran his own mathematical circle on Sunday afternoons, an activity which certainly led to one student making the IMO team and another going close.

Andrei has also served as a member of the Problems Committees for both the Australian Mathematics Competition for the Westpac Awards and the Mathematics Chalenge for Young Australians during this period and is author of the Noether Enrichment book and co-author of the Polya Enrichment book.

Peter Taylor

Saturday 21 May 2005