Decimal Arithmetic

In this unit, students develop and use a variety of strategies for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals. They also explore the least common multiple and greatest common factor of two numbers.

Section 1: Adding and Subtracting Decimals (Lessons 1–4)

  • Add and subtract multi-digit decimals using a variety of strategies.

Section 2: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals (Lessons 5–11)

  • Multiply and divide multi-digit decimals using a variety of strategies.

  • Divide multi-digit numbers with and without remainders using long division.

Section 3: Solving Problems With Decimals (Lessons 12–13)

  • Use decimal operations to solve problems in context.

Section 4: Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor (Lessons 14–15)

  • Determine the LCM and GCF of two numbers.