Мотивация студентов Гарварда


I’ve heard there is a list of proverbs/mottos/aphorisms on the wall of a Harvard Library. Where can I see them?


This seems to be a rumor that is prevalent on the Internet, particularly in China. We have found no trace of any mottos on a Harvard library wall. Please see this thorough refutation:

1. Если ты сейчас уснешь, то тебе, конечно, приснится твоя мечта. Если же вместо сна ты выберешь учебу, то ты воплотишь свою мечту в жизнь.

2. Когда ты думаешь, что уже слишком поздно, на самом деле, все еще рано.

3. Мука учения всего лишь временная. Мука незнания – вечна.

4. Учеба – это не время. Учеба – это усилия.

5. Жизнь – это не только учеба, но если ты не можешь пройти даже через эту ее часть, то на что ты, вообще, способен?

6. Напряжение и усилия могут быть удовольствием.

7. Только тот, кто делает все раньше, только тот, кто прилагает усилия, по-настоящему сможет насладиться своим успехом.

8. Во всем преуспеть дано не каждому. Но успех приходит только с самосовершенствованием и решительностью.

9. Время летит.

10. Сегодняшние слюни станут завтрашними слезами.

11. Люди, которые вкладывают что-то в будущее - реалисты.

12. Твоя зарплата прямо пропорциональна твоему уровню образования.

13. Сегодня никогда не повторится.

14. Даже сейчас твои враги жадно листают книги.

15. Не попотеешь, не заработаешь.


The Fabricated Harvard Library Motto Nonsense.

Since Nov, 2007, articles with titles such as:



Harvard University Library Study Room Wall VTC Statement

Harvard Library 20 Reprimands

Scene of Harvard Library at 4:30 a.m.

”哈佛的凌晨4点半“ (Harvard at 4:30 a.m.)




"哈佛大学图书馆的墙壁上,镶嵌着这样20条训言." (Twenty mottoes engraved on the wall of the Harvard University Library)

"令人震撼:哈佛大學圖書館凌晨4點半的景象"(Shock and awe: Harvard Library at 4:30 a.m.)

"哈佛,看一眼就会明白中国缺什么"(Take just one look at Harvard and you will realize what China lacks)

作为闻名于世的学府,哈佛大学培养了许多名人,(As a world renowned institution, Harvard has nurtured many famous people)

哈佛的学生是怎样学习的?(How do Harvard students study? )


哈佛大学凌晨4点半的景象,再想想我们.(This is Harvard at 4:30 a.m. ; now think about us.)

have been spreading like wild fire on Chinese websites, blogs, and BBSes. There is even a book published in China with a bilingual title:”哈佛图书馆自习室墙上的训言 / ALLOCUTIONS ON THE WALL OF THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY

Some titles are in outrageously bad, incomprehensible, English.

The Exhortations on the walls of Harvard's Library

Apothegms on the wall of Harvard library

Harvard Libraries on the wall made of training

Harvard University Campus Training Introduction

Harvard Library of the wall 20 training words

Motto of the Harvard Library on the wal

There are now Korean, Arabic, and Russian versions.

E.g. Russian version "The Exhortations on the walls of Harvard's Library"

They are all based on the same 20 fabricated, originally written in Chinese, so-called "Allocutions on the wall of a study room in the Harvard library."

Some of these are in Chinese, some are bilingual. There is only one Chinese version, but at least five different English versions, two of which are written in completely mangled machine translated English. This alone should have warned readers that it could not possibly be a product of Harvard's. But most people seem to prefer blind faith to logic. Yes, a few people tried to open other people's eyes, but for one such attempt, there are hundreds of "Harvard Library Wall engraving" popping up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

This spread of misinformation has now reached epidemic proportion. School teachers are posting them up on billboards, school principals conduct their morning assembly by giving a talk on this, "Learn English" forums, cram schools, are putting these up as "good English learning material"--makes you wonder what qualification these people have when they could not even tell "is lacks diligently" is not "English" at all! Recently, this "nonsense" appeared on the Ministry of Commerce website as a reading recommendation (中华人民共和国商务部选作双语阅读), and was soundly ridiculed on the Chinadaily BBS ( 堪称 Chinglish 的典范,值得“共勉”! 这就是哈佛的凌晨4点!共勉. 有谁知道这是出自何人手笔的吗?/Classic example of Chinglish. "Harvard at 4 a.m.". Can someone tell me who is responsible for this?) The most hilarious is the Korean version of "Words of knowledge from the Harvard Toilet"!


2007. "Graffiti left on the wall of the study room in the Harvard Library at 4 a.m./Scribble left on the desk..." (*)(哈佛圖書館自習室凌晨4點牆上/桌上留言) appeared on mainland China Internet BBS sites. This quickly morphed into "Twenty mottoes engraved on the wall of the study room in the Harvard Library." One source claimed that the misinformation came from a misquotation of CCTV's on site interview of a student from the People's Republic of China.(央视《世界著名大学》制片人谢娟曾带摄制组到哈佛大学采访...百度贴吧 -- 珠海一中吧-- 以下引自 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=349072476 floor 10 第 10 楼 学校贴的那个是假的,树根跟我们研究过,那个只是一个哈佛留学生在图书管接受记者采访说的,记者是个标题党才这样写,)

Earliest examples of Harvard Library study room wall VTC atatement and http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ea2bc9b01000am9.html I can find (2007-09-24 and 09-26). Image 1 ... Image 2 ...

(*)"Scribble left on the desk...": Ivy Times (Korea):"There are many scribbles on the desks of Harvard’s central library. They include: “If you sleep now, you will have a dream, but if you study now, you will realize a dream”; “Even though happiness is not based on a person’s performance records, success is the likely result”; and “If you study one more hour, you will have a better husband.” The scribbl(e)s reflect the desperation many Harvard students feel."

March, 2008. The Chinese magazine 《讀者》(Readers) published the article "Mottoes on the wall of the Harvard Library"(Chinese version only) (《讀者》雜志在當年第7期上刊登了作者署名為“愛誰誰”的《哈佛圖書館牆上的訓言》一文,但只有中文內容。)

Early 2008. Two different English versions started to proliferate. Both versions were in broken English. One was later identified as the handiwork of the translation software Babel Fish.

Two Versions.

June, 2008. Danny Feng's book "ALLOCUTIONS ON THE WALL OF THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY" hit the market in Mailand China(PRC) and quickly climbed to number seven on the best selling list.

In respond to an inquiry from Mr. Chan, 上海市田园高级中学英语教研组组长, Deborah Kelley-Milburn, Research Librarian & Virtual Reference Coordinator at Harvard University, said unequivocally that such "sayings" do not exist.

Jan 4th, 2010 Mr. Chan contacted the publisher, who, in turn, contacted Mr.Feng.

Jan 4th, 2010, Danny Fung, the author of the book "ALLOCUTIONS ON THE WALL OF THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY" admitted it was all fabricated.

You can find the Chinese newspaper report: "哈佛墙上的训言开国际玩笑 作者承认编造" on the Internet.

Note, however, the "Harvard at 4:00 a.m." post has been in circulation since at least 2007, while Mr. Fung's book was published only in 2008.

Mar 2010. "Some words of knowledge from the toilet in Harvard" appeared on the Internet. Apparently it was a corrupted Chinese version in circulation in Korea. This version has thirty sayings.

Oct 30th, 2010, Chinese newspaper ran a story about Harvard at 4:30 a.m. without realizing it was a fabrication. In the story was the set of 20 mottoes. This set off a frenzy of "reprints", particularity on the SINA blog space, with slightly different variations in contents and titles. Newspaper article

Nov. 2010. Harvard Librarian put up "answer" on their "Ask a librarian" webpage. (See picture on the top of this page.

Early 2011. One of those sayings was used as a topic of discussion for Beijing University student recruitment interview.

Question #3 says:Give your thoughts on what is written in the Harvard Library:"Please enjoy the unavoidable suffering."

考题 #3. 哈佛大学图书馆墙上写有这样一句话:“请享受无法回避的痛苦”,谈谈你的理解。”

此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。(This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.)starts appearing in Chinese provincial high school exams. Article is in Chinese

2010-now. Mainland Chinese teachers, school principals, tutorial school teachers, motivation speakers, and promoters of the lucrative overseas studies trade frantically promote these "Commandments" and/or various versions of an article portraying Harvard students as hardworking and Spartan, not even talking during lunch and solemnly walking through campus without pausing to chat.

In Mainland China, people are jumping onto the Harvard Library Mottoes bandwagon in droves! There are parents who claimed their children "transcripted" it from the Harvard Library Wall--strange that the transcription was in Chinese. Tourists returning to Mainland China from a trip to Boston proudly showed off their on-campus photos captioned with a quote of the mottoes. There are even liars who claimed they had copied them down from the wall of the Harvard Library or children of friends had done so. 皇帝的新衣

The "rather die than lose face" mentality has prevented the majority of these individuals from admitting they have been had. Many of them resort to the defence that although the whole thing may have been fabricated, it is nonetheless good for motivating students.

There are twenty "mottos" in the set. Let us start by examining a few from each of the two "broken English" versions. I will not put down the Chinese version yet, because that will clue you in as to what they mean.

Version I:

1. This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.

3. Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time.

6. Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.

15. Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow.

20. Has not been difficult, then does not have attains


1. How can a "moment" (a time) take a nap? "The moment will nap, you will have a dream" tells of two different entities: "the moment" and "you". "Interpret a dream" 不是圆梦. "Interpret a dream" 是“解梦”(See Chinese text below.)

2. There are two verbs to be in the first sentence. I said "first sentence" because the comma should be a period. "Exactly is the earliest time": "What" exactly?

6. Anyone with a basic command of English should notice there is a problem with "is lacks diligently."

15. Yes indeed! "Today" cannot walk! You and I can, but certainly not "yesterday","today" or "tomorrow".

20. "Has not been difficult, then does not have attains". Who or what has not been difficult? And pray tell what "does not have attains" means.

Now let's have a look at the corresponding Chinese text.






Clearly, this is a product typical of software produced translation from Chinese (机器翻译的英语), and not something written by, or worthy of Harvard.

How can English so foul be engraved on the wall of the Harvard Library? Give me a break!

Wait. Don't go away; I am not done yet. The worse is yet to come.

The second English version is even more outrageous. Let's look at a few.

13.Now the Halazi mobility will become tomorrow's tears.

17.Representatives income level of education.

18. End the day will not come again.

20. Not difficult, it nil.

Can't figure out what they say? I can't either. So here is the Chinese version to help you out.




I bet if you were to stop any native English speaker on the street, anywhere in the world, and ask he/she what "Halazi mobility" is, he/she would be completely dumbfounded. Obviously, these were originally written in Chinese. They were then translated into English by software. I was told that version 1 was the handiwork of Yahoo's babelfish software translator.

I have also come across a third and forth version. Version 3 is slightly better, obviously of human origin. Version 4 was by Mr.Wang at New Oriental School, while Version 5, the best so far, was a "group-effort translation for fun exercise" at the Rainlane BBS. Authors of versions 4 and 5 flatly refuse to believe this mess comes from Harvard.

Academic institutions such as Harvard are called "Ivory Towers" because of their lofty ideals. Talking about levels of income, or ranking of successes, is contary to their principles. Have a look at Harvard's motto and you will see what I mean:" Veritas.” (Truth).

On the other hand, these so called "Allocutions" are not particularly profound, nothing more than a smorgasbord of old, well known sayings plus a few home spun preachings. Some even don’t make much sense: “Time is passing”, while others, such as “there is a ranking for success”, are crass rather than philosophical. Without the label of “Harvard University Library”, few, if any, would give it a second glance. But once someone tags it with that label, it takes on the aurora of respectability and rises to an oracular status.

The real Harvard Motto is:

Veritas. ( Truth.)


the inscription at Harvard's Dexter Gate reads,

.Enter to grow in wisdom;

Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.

You can see from them what the true Harvard spirit is.

So please tell your friends, and ask them to tell their friends, this ”哈佛图书馆自习室墙上的训言”is a complete fabrication. 网上有不少人看不出这是不通英语越传越多, 以讹传讹 传千千万万。请大家把这消息传出去,免有更多人闹笑话。I have visited dozens of websites, blogs, BBSes, tutorial school sites since late 2007, trying to convince people that the whole thing is fabricated. For that I was chastised, my ID banned, and even my IP banned, from many places, including many Learn-English tutorial school sites such as 东方网站 Koolearn. The teachers, professors, head of law dept, school principals, moderators and administrators in those places steadfastly held onto the believe that the Harvard Library Study Room Wall Inscription 哈佛图书馆墙上的训言 is real. I have been banned from several sites; some even banned my IP number from accessing their sites.

Jump to Examples and Illustrations 例子/圖


Examples and Illustrations 例子及很多例子圖片.

What the heck is Halazi mobility?" or "What kind of English is 'is lacks diligently'? (这是哪门子英语语法?)

1. The most popular Broken-English version of the fabricated Harvard Library Study Room Wall Inscription

Totally incomprehensible software translation of the fabricated "Maxims on the Wall of the Harvard Library Study Room."

现把“英语版”贴出。 看你看得出它在说什么. 看不懂不是因为这是"博大精深的英语", 而是超烂笑破肚子不清不楚不知所云软件译的捏造的英文哈佛图书馆墙上的训言

1. This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.

2. I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.

3. Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time.

4. Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow.

5. Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain islife-long.

6. Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.

7. Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds must arrange the position.

8. The study certainly is not the life complete. But, since continually life part of - studies also is unable to conquer, what but also can make?

9. Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid.

10. Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, can feel the successful taste.

11. Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.

12. The time is passing.

13. Now drips the saliva, will become tomorrow the tear.

14. The dog equally study, the gentleman equally plays.

15. Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow.

16. The investment future person will be, will be loyal to the realityperson.

17. The education level represents the income.

18. One day, has not been able again to come.

19. Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page.

20. Has not been difficult, then does not have attains.

这些是错误百出,语无伦次的英语。是软件一个字一个字译出来的无俚头英语 ! 恕我直言。 网上有不少人看不出这是不通英语越传越多。请大家把这消息传出去,免有更多人闹笑话。

2. The worst Broken-English version of the fabricated Harvard Library Study Room Wall Inscription

超烂英语版无中生有瞎扯的 哈佛图书馆墙上的训言 (Another hilarious "English" version: more like gibberish than English!)


1. Nodding at the moment, you will dream; While studying at the moment, you will come true. "You will come true"哈!哈!哈!

2. I deserted today, is the person who failed yesterday to pray for tomorrow.

3. That too late when it is the first time.

4. Do not wait until tomorrow to recover.

5. The study, the pain is temporary, not a lot of pain is lifelong.

6. Learning this, and not lack of time, but lack of effort.

7. Happiness may not be ranked, but success will at the top.

8. Learning is not all of life. However, since even a part of life - learning can conquer, what can be done?

9. Please enjoy the unavoidable suffering.

10. Only earlier than others, more diligent efforts to taste the taste of success.

11. No one should be casual successful, it comes from a thorough self-management and perseverance.

12. Time passes.

13. Now the Halazi mobility will become tomorrow's tears. What the heck is Halazi mobility 是什么英语?

14. Dogs like to learn, as a gentleman to play.

15. This does not leave tomorrow He walked.

16. Invest in the future of the people, loyal to the people in reality.

17. Representatives income level of education.

18. End the day will not come again.

19. Even now, opponents also kept banging on the page.

20. Not difficult, it nil. 是什么英语?

说成是镶嵌在哈佛图书管大学墙上的训言! This one says it is "engraved" on the wall of the Harvard Library.