Typical Expenses

Owner's Corporation Fees

There is an Admin Fee (Levy) + a Maintenance Fund Fee (Levy) + a Pool Loan Repayment Fee (Levy). Contact the OC Manager or the Committee for current the amounts. The admin fee is normally increased by at least the Consumer Price Index (CPI) each year at the November Annual General Meeting and it covers items such as:

Note: the Owners Corporation fees do not cover building  insurance, contents insurance, or public liability insurance for privately owned Lots, they are the responsibility of the Lot owner.

Kingston Council Rates

Properties are rated individually and owners are charged according to the property value.

South East Water

Each owner receives individual rate notices (4 per year) from South East Water which include charges for: Water Usage, Water Service, Sewage Disposal, Sewage Service, Drainage, and a Parks.

The 139 private lots are not individually metered for water. Please see the FAQ page for more details.



Houses are metered individually and owners/residents are charged according to their usage.


Gas is piped to individual properties and some owners have chosen to connect to the gas service. Such properties are metered individually and owners/residents are charged according to their usage.

External Painting of Houses.

The external paint work of privately owned houses is refreshed at regular intervals in order to keep the Estate looking good. It is the owner's responsibility to arrange for the painting to be done and to pay for any work, see Painting (External).