The SMS Emergency Alert System

In October 2023 the Pagewood Park Committee of Management (COM#16) approved the setup of an SMS based system to alert residents to issues which may affect them, e.g. a plumbing issue where the water needs to be turned off.

All onsite residents are encouraged to register their mobile phone number with the Pagewood Park SMS emergency alert system. Note: the system is not connected to the OC Manager (The Knight) in any way. 

One registers with the system by sending the key word East or West to a special mobile number. Send East ~ if you reside on the East (Woodland Drive or Bernard Street) side of the Estate. Send West ~ if you reside on the West (Everest Drive) side of the Estate. This is useful as the Estate's water supply system is divided into independent East and West sides.

What if you don’t have or don't use a mobile phone? No problem, just ask a friend or relative to register and then they can pass any emergency messages on to you via your home phone or an actual visit.

What is the special mobile number used to register? Well, let's not put that number on the public internet 🤔. To obtain the number send a message via the 'About & Contact Us' page of this site or check out the notice on the hall window facing the tennis court. This hall window notice has more details about the scheme.