Painting (External)

The external paint work of privately owned houses is refreshed every 9 years in order to maintain the Estate’s high standard. The painting process is overseen by the Committee. The Manager advises each owner via letter when painting is due. It is the owner's responsibility to arrange for the painting to be done and to pay for any work.

The estate is divided into 10 areas which correspond to the initial stages of development/building as listed in the Plan of Cluster Subdivision of Estate. Two areas (original stages) are painted in a given year so it takes 5 years to paint the entire Estate once a painting cycle commences. Once painting is complete there is a 4 year break before the painting cycle starts again. This means there is a painting cycle every 9 years.


2012, 2021, 2030    Stages 5 & 6      Lots 54 - 82

2013, 2022, 2031    Stages 7 & 8      Lots 84 - 115

2014, 2023, 2032   Stages 1 & 2      Lots 1 - 29

2015, 2024, 2033    Stages 3 & 4      Lots 30 - 53

2016, 2025, 2034    Stages 9 & 10    Lots 116 - 142 

2016, 2025, 2034    The common infrastructure and Caretakers Cottage at 22 Everest Drive.


THE SCHEMES:    Following the Feb 2022 AGM houses can be painted in one of two colour schemes, Green/Cream or Grey/Cream. 



All external paints are acrylic based (i.e. water clean-up) with a low sheen/matte finish.

The "External Painting Specification & Procedures" documents are attached to the bottom of this webpage, they detail the items to be painted and the colours. The Committee does not approve of a house having a hybrid of the two colour schemes.

The use of "Dulux Colorbond" in the paint colour name is important because other manufacturers such as BlueScope (who makes Colorbond in Australia) have their own slight variations on the colours of Wilderness, Woodland Grey, and Classic Cream. 


When painting the house too many owners forget to paint the extras such as vent pipes, ductwork, the meter box, utility boxes, the letterbox as well as any front or side facing wooden fences and gates visible from common areas. See the external painting specification document attached at the bottom of this page. Not painting these items can give the house and the Estate a run down look. 


Advice that painting has been done should be given to the committee when painting is completed. If painting yourself, receipts (or copies thereof) of paints purchased plus a visual  inspection by the Committee might be required.

NOTES:   Clauses 48 and 129 of the Owners Corporations Act apply to external painting:

48.    Lots not properly maintained

(1)   If a lot owner has refused or failed to carry out repairs, maintenance or other works to the lot owner's lot that are required because - 

      (a)   the outward appearance or outward state of repair of the lot is adversely affected; or

      (b)   the use and enjoyment of the lots or common property by other lot owners is adversely affected - 

       the owners corporation may serve a notice on the lot owner requiring the lot owner to carry out the necessary repairs, maintenance or other works.

(2)   If a lot owner has been served with a notice under sub-section (1), the lot owner must carry out the repairs, maintenance or other works required by the notice within 28 days of the service of the notice.

(3)  If a lot owner has been served with a notice under sub-section (1) and has not complied with the notice within the required time, the owners corporation may carry out the necessary repairs, maintenance or other works to the lot.

 129.    Care of lots

A lot owner must -

(a)   properly maintain in a state of good and serviceable repair any part of the lot that affects the outward appearance of the lot or the use or enjoyment of other lots or the common property; and

(b)   maintain any service that serves that lot exclusively. 

Colour Scheme History:

Prior to 2004 the scheme was Mission Brown with the garage doors and down pipes painted in Taubman's Saddlebag colour, see photos HERE.

From 2004 the single scheme was changed to Wilderness/Drab/Brown. In Nov 2003 an AGM decision was made to change to Wilderness following a couple of years of discussions and the caretaker's cottage being painted in the new colour scheme for owners and residents to check out. The AGM decision was made before the commencement of the next full painting cycle so the Estate had a consistent colour scheme.

In Nov 2007 the walking path around the hall was painted with Berger Jet Dry paving Octavius Oak. This was chosen by 4 COM members as the closest match to the existing path colour.

At the Jan 2022 AGM the owners voted change the Estate from a single colour scheme to a dual colour scheme.  The colour Drab was changed to Dulux Colorbond Classic Cream. The colour of Dulux Colorbond Wilderness continued with the option of using Dulux Colorbond Woodland Grey instead of Wilderness, i.e. owners picked from a Green/Cream or a Grey/Cream external colour scheme. Historically scheme changes were made in the 4 year gap between painting cycles but unfortunately the two owners who proposed the Jan 2022 changes felt they couldn't wait and so introduced the changes after the next painting cycle had already commenced in 2021 with Stages 5 & 6. Some 5 & 6 owners failed to paint when requested by the OC Manager in 2021 and did so in 2022.  This resulted in an odd mix of schemes in Stages 5 & 6 with some houses Wilderness/Drab while others are Wilderness/Classic Cream and others are Woodland Grey/Classic Cream. There are now instances of garage doors next to each other where one is Drab and the other is Classic Cream, this looks very odd. Sadly this situation likely won't be corrected until 2030!

Note: There is no standard for the Mission Brown colour, each manufacturer has their own version so one needs to specify a specific maker of Mission Brown to obtain a consistent look ~ LINK

Reference Files:  see below

Some Colorbond colours below, all current colours HERE

Owners have the option to choose the lighter scheme colour for the fascia board under the guttering.
The above photo is for the green/cream colour scheme.

Painting Stages