Policy ~ Bins

Pagewood Park Bin Policy

Note; this policy is intended to improve the look of the Estate by not having bins visible from front windows of neighbouring houses or from the road. 

The above policy wording was approved at the 16 April 2018 Committee meeting and it reiterates the long standing Pagewood Park policy of not having bins visible from front windows of neighbouring houses or from the roads. 

This policy is additional to the Kingston Council rules for bins for which fines may apply. The Kingston Council rules about bins can be found at:  

The above policy is supported by the Dec 2018 Owners Corporation Model Rule 1.3 - Waste disposal. An owner or occupier must ensure that the disposal of garbage or waste does not adversely affect the health, hygiene or comfort of the occupiers or users of other lots.

In 2022 a Committee Member put together a list of some letterbox suggestions, check out the list below.