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Changing ISO

New users to Olympus or new OM-D E-M1 Mark 2 users want to know how to change ISO quickly. There are several entry points to setting ISO

    1. Super Control Panel - Ensure that SCP is enabled previously

      1. Press Ok to display the SCP

      2. ISO is the top left rectangle - Cursor through the values using the arrow cursorpad or the the front / back dials

      3. Press Ok to display the horizontal strip of ISO values

      4. Cursor through the values using the arrow cursorpad or the the front / back dials

      5. Press Ok or Half Press the Shutter button to confirm

      6. Press Ok to display the SCP

      7. ISO is the top left rectangle - Cursor through the values using the arrow cursorpad or the the front / back dials

      8. Roll the front / back dials

      9. Press Ok or Half Press the Shutter button to confirm

    2. Previously set up the arrow cursorpad to be "Direct Function" - each of the four pads changes a different feature

    3. Custom Menu > B. Button & Dial > Button Function > Cursorpad > Direct Function

      1. Custom Menu > B. Button & Dial > Button Function > Right Arrow pad > ISO

    4. Assign one of the Fn buttons to ISO - Custom Menu > B. Button & Dial > Button Function > Choose an Fn function > Choose the ISO as the feature

    5. For OM-D E-M1 Mark 2 and PEN-F - Multi-function button allows choice of ISO/WB as one of the features (thanks Armod Karnik and Adam Houston)

    6. For OM-D E-M1 Mark 1 (probably Mark 2) and PEN E-P5 - there is a 2x2 lever - the down position toggles the front and back dials to ISO/WB (thanks Adam Houston)

The 2x2 lever - EM-1 Mark 1