Tweak McTweakerson

Post date: Jan 19, 2015 2:03:02 AM

    1. Split the Fighting skill into Fighting and Shooting [Agility]. Leave Shooting/Throwing combined
    • This was to allow a difference between McBrute and Sniper characters and force a spread of skill points; I never did like associating ranged attacks with Strength in the first place
    • Update cheat sheet, skill list, edges, and gallery
    1. Drop the One Leg Hindrance option for wings and tweak Clipped Wings to fit the One Eye/Arm/Leg paradigm.
    2. Drop Bolt as an Inherent Spell; it is probably too overkill for a "every unicorn knows this" especially since we already have Confusion as the basic attack spell. Instead replace it with the option that a unicorn upon Veteran level can choose an Inherent Spell and reduce its spellcasting penalty by 1; that leads to a little more specialization between characters and makes the game a little less "and now I zap you with my horn."