Fighting [Agility]

Post date: Mar 22, 2015 6:56:29 PM

While we're on the ball of making massive changes (wooooo!), Fighting goes back to being linked to the Agility Attribute as per the core rules rather than the hangover of Strength.

This allows the builds of "agile but not-heavy-hitter" and "slow but hard hitter" to be more in line with their typical stats. It also brings back the balance on both Accuracy and Power. Both concepts have a say in real life on the final damage output, so it wasn't really fair to link Fighting to Strength, where Power became the overwhelming factor (since melee weaponry is often Strength-based).

For more meta on this subject, you can read a relevant thread on the peginc forum, as well as this thread on Fighting d12 and Character Diversity (which is summarized in this blog post if you just want the tl;dr)