Moar Combat

Post date: Dec 4, 2015 5:41:31 AM

    1. Added in a link in Game Aids about the Savage Worlds Quick Combat rules for even more Fast Furious Fun!
    2. Put in a link to the official Shaken errata also in Game Aids
    3. Fixed Applejack's skill list in the Gallery; in the switch of Fighting[Strength] to Fighting[Agility] I forgot to recalculate for that and left AJ's Fighting at d8 but Agility at d6, meaning her skill list was 16pts instead of 15. This has been corrected by lowering Notice from a d6 to a d4 and keeping Fighting at d8 - it makes a bit more sense for AJ to stack more under Fightin'. I toyed with dropping Repair and keeping Notice at a d6, but then how would she fix her perpetually destroyed barn? :P
    4. Also as an FYI in case you haven't noticed, there's been a printer-friendly and prettified pdf (Deviantart Xpost) version of the rulebook on the front page now. (The pdfs haven't been updated to include today's changes though; I'll wait until there's a few more collective things before I do that)