Quick Cheat Sheet

First, start with a clean slate: begin with the core Savage Worlds rules and forget any other module, supplement, DnD conversion or whathaveyou. If you want, you can add them back on later, but MLP:SA chooses to let the core Savage Worlds rules do all the heavy lifting. This leaves you free to do things on the fly!

Since you're here on the Quick Cheat Sheet page, I'm going to assume you're familiar with the core Savage Worlds rules, in which case there's only four things you need to know:

  1. different skill list (although if you really wanted to you could use the Core rule list)
  2. how the races stat up
  3. three combat tweaks
  4. modified no powerpoint Magic rules

And that's it! You can just straight up use the Core Edges/Hindrances/Spells, although for a more pony-like experience see the full MLP:SA rules. (pssst Cutie Mark Crusader edge)

And yes, this literally fits on one sheet (well, one sheet of paper, double-sided. But normal margins and everything!). Here's a pdf of it for proof!

Skill List

Note: some skills use specialization rules from SW core.

  • Athletics [Strength] - combines Climbing and Swimming
  • Fighting [Agility]
  • Gambling [Smarts]
  • Healing [Smarts]
  • Intimidation [Spirit]
  • Investigation [Smarts]
  • Knowledge (something) [Smarts]
  • Leadership [Spirit] - corollary to Healing, removes "mental Wounds"
    • default: a success means allies adjacent to you get +1 to their next action for the rest of the round. This doesn't stack (by default) and no additional bonuses with a raise (you need edges for that)
  • Lockpicking [Agility] - note: includes disabling traps
  • Nature [Spirit, specialization: Land or Air] - represents pony's ability to manipulate the elements
    • Land: talking to land/water animals, farming
    • Air: talking to flying creatures, weather
  • Notice [Smarts]
  • Perform (something) [Spirit]
  • Piloting [Agility, specialization: Flying, Land, or Water vehicles] - combines the Boating/Driving/Piloting/Riding skills
  • Persuasion [Spirit]
  • Repair [Smarts]
  • Shooting [Agility] - combines Shooting and Throwing
  • Spellcraft [Smarts]
  • Stealth [Agility]
  • Streetwise [Smarts, specialization: High Society or Commoner]
  • Survival [Smarts] - combines Survival and Tracking skills
  • Taunt [Smarts]

How the Races Stack Up

Races are built with the Savage Worlds "making races" template, with roughly a +4 value (typical is +2 >>). Here listed are the main 3 pony ones; for other races see the rest of MLP:SA.

  • Pegasus
    • Flight: when flying, running die is a d8, costs 2" of movement to go up 1", if shaken roll Agility or fall 6" per round, Climb of 0, can walk on clouds
    • rolls a d4-2 for untrained Nature(air) instead of the default d4-4
    • +1 Novice Edge (typically represents cutie mark)
  • Earth Ponies
    • +1 Attribute point
    • rolls a d4-2 for untrained Nature(land) instead of the default d4-4
    • +1 Novice Edge (typically represents cutie mark)
  • Unicorns
    • Arcane Background (Magic) - (which includes 3 automatic Powers)
    • +1 Novice Edge (typically represents cutie mark)


  • All attacks and combat maneuvers are considered to have non-lethal intentions unless stated otherwise
    • Aka with edged weapons, there's an automatic -1 Fighting penalty, unless you're stating you're trying to actually draw blood, in which case the Friendship is Magic "rule" should be looked at
    • Tricks and Tests of Wills now cause the Shaken condition on a simple success on the opposed roll, and a "mental Wound" on a Raise on the opposed roll.
    • Remember: shaken on shaken can cause a Wound
      • Note: "mental Wounds" stack alongside regular Wounds and Fatigue
      • Split the SW edge Strong-Willed into two different edges: HULK SMASH for Intimidate and Moxie for Taunt
    • Unarmed Defender rule does not apply
      • Every character is effectively "armed" with hooves and teeth

Magic Notes

  • No powerpoints
  • Arcane Background (Magic) for MLP:SA
    • Start with 3 Powers for free
    • Horn must be uncovered in order to cast magic (at least one inch freedom)
    • Backlash: if your spellcraft die rolls a 1 (regardless of Wild die), the spell fails and you automatically suffer 2d6 damage; if this would cause a Wound you instead gain a level of Fatigue that can be recovered via 8 hours of rest
    • Maintenance: spells cannot be maintained indefinitely easily.
      • Maintaining a spell beyond its duration imposes a -1 Fatigue penalty (cumulative with each spell)
      • Casting another spell while maintaining another (regardless if it's on its first duration or not) also imposes a -1 to the Spellcast roll for the additional spell
  • all powers start with the generic "oooh glowy" trapping, but at first taking a Power a player can also choose a single optional trapping that the character can use on and off
  • Every unicorn knows some inherent basic magic, which are basically three things: lifting things with their magic, create light, and knowing when something is magical in the first place. Inherent Spells represent these basic concepts, and saves unicorn characters from "wasting" spellslots. ;D
    • Inherent Spells have these characteristics:
          • They have no spellcasting penalty, but you still need to take an action to cast it in the first place (simple TN=4 to cast)
            • Caveat: If you've got the Young hindrance, you have an additional -2 penalty
          • You only have the generic unicorn "oooh glowy" trapping.
        • The ranges/duration/abilities are reduced from its base Power
    • In return, you get these "spells" effectively for free as Inherent Spells:
      • Simple Telekinesis (wee lifting of objects): Range: Smarts; Duration: 3 (1PP/round); lift only 1lb per Spirit die; 5lb with a Raise; cannot use to fight with a weapon
      • Simple Light (mah horn is glowing): Range: Self; Duration: 30 minutes (1PP/10 minutes); soft magical light emanates from your horn, fully illuminating within a Medium Burst Template (4" diameter) around you, and dimly illuminating out to the distance of a Large Burst Template (6" diameter) around you. Doesn't count as natural sunlight.
      • Detect Magic (i sense magic): Range: Self; Duration: Instant (0PP/minute); you gain the ability to sense the presence, type, and approximate location of magic or other supernatural phenomena within 12". This is just as fallible as any other sense, and may require Notice rolls in certain situations.