Create Your Character

We're using the same Savage Worlds Core rules to create your character, so it's super-fast, easy, and fun!

For more information on how to create a character using the Savage Worlds rules, look at the core rules, or the Test Drive rules.

  1. Choose a Race
    • Get extra bonuses depending on your race! More skill points, more attribute points, the ability to fly or do magic!
  2. Choose your Hindrances (if desired)
    • You can pick 2 Major OR 1 Major & 2 Minor Hindrances. Or, if you prefer, just 1 Major, just 2 Minor, or just 1 Minor
  3. Assign Your Attributes
    • Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor
    • You have 5 base Attribute points to use, plus any you get from your race or bought via Hindrance points
  4. Pick Your Skills
    • 21 total skills
    • You have 15 skill points to use plus any you get from your race or bought via Hindrance points
  5. Pick Your Edges (if applicable)
  6. Calculate derived stats
    • Charisma, Pace, Parry, Toughness, # of bennies
  7. Buy Your Gear

And Game On.

If you're new to tabletop gaming or Savage Worlds, I also made a Notes on Dice Rolling in MLP:SA reference guide.