Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

Post date: Jan 25, 2015 4:58:02 AM

    1. Simplified Inherent Spells and made them easier to cast, with no spellcasting penalties. Dropped the free addition of more "cantrips" as rank progresses; it doesn't make much sense for unicorns to get "more" basic magic; by definition basic magic should be there from the start! Update gallery and setting rules.
    2. Change Edges Canterlot's School for Gifted Unicorns and Natural Caster, due to the change in Inherent Spells
    3. Change Arcane Background (Magic) to include 3 Powers, instead of 2
  1. Add in mention of Arcane Background (Alchemy)
    1. Add in limitation to the Healing/Greater Healing Powers if using the No Powerpoint rules (see Changed Powers and/or Notes from Core Rules) to remove treating Wounds as trivial
    2. Allow Curious, Code of Honor, Loyal, and Heroic to all be taken as either Major or Minor Hindrances, rather than just one or the other.