About Savage Worlds

Savage Worlds is a generic tabletop rpg rules system, meaning it's "rules on how to roll dice to determine how well your character did X in the story you're all playing." Other big-name systems these days include Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, GURPs, World of Darkness, FATE, Shadowrun, Dungeon World, etc.

Savage Worlds's tagline is Fast! Furious! Fun! and is particularly known for being a fairly rules-light system (aka "a bit of crunch but not that much"), speed, pulpy-like settings, and a minimum of bookkeeping, for both player and Game Master.

Savage Worlds is available as a pdf for a mere $9.99 via their own site @ Pinnacle or at DriveThruRPG, as well as in print via Amazon or perhaps your local gaming store. You can also just use the free Test Drive rules if you wanna get the jist of things. Viva la internet!

Note that the current rules is called "Savage Worlds: Deluxe," (SW:D) which is the hardcover / pdf version, or "Savage Worlds: Deluxe Explorer's Edition," (SW:DEE) which is the paperback version. The paperback version has all of the typos and errata corrected from the SW:D version, but they're still the same rules. Pdfs may vary depending on when you got it (or where you got it). There's an older version of Savage Worlds called "Savage Worlds: Explorer's Edition" (SW:EE) which is now outdated (although some people still use the SW:EE version of Chase Rules). Basically just check the cover image to make sure we're all on the same page, so to speak.

Addendum Note: as of May 2nd, 2015, Pinnacle has made an official change to the Shaken rules for Savage Worlds that hasn't yet been added to the printed versions (here's the official errata pdf):

"At the beginning of their action, a Shaken character makes a Spirit roll to recover. On a failure, he remains Shaken. On a success, the character removes their Shaken condition and may take their action normally."

On this site, I refer to the current Savage Worlds rules (SW:D / SW:DEE) as "Savage Worlds Core", "Core Savage Worlds," or simply "Core Rules."

Please note that this is a fan-made setting, as per the Savage Worlds fan-licensing rules. Therefore I cannot reproduce whole-scale the text from the core rules without getting my ass sued, or at least getting a talking to. Still, all you need is the SW core rulebook and this website/setting "book," and since everything can fit on a single page that's not too hard. ;D