Equip and Upgrade

Unlocking Weapons

From the Weapons Menu, you can view and unlock weapons. Unlocking weapons only requires MS Parts and a small amount of GP which is shown to the left of the purple Unlock Button.

Once you've decided to unlock a weapon, click the Unlock button.

If you don't have all the MS Parts required to build the mobile suit, a banner pop up asking if you'd like to buy the remaining parts. Click Yes to proceed with purchase and unlocking the weapon.

Once you've unlocked the weapon, the Equip/Remove Weapon button will become available. You can also upgrade the weapon.

Unlocking Weapon Variants

The majority of weapons have several variants which are denoted by letters.

Some of the most common are:

  • Type-M: Higher ammo and clip size at the cost of lower all around performance.

  • Type-H: Higher accuracy and lock-on at the expense of damage.

  • Type-F: Higher damage at the expense of accuracy and lock-on.

The variants must be unlocked in the order which they appear on the Weapons List. For example, in this screenshot the Type-F Grenades can't be unlocked until the Type-M Grenades have been unlocked.

Unlocking the Type-M Grenades will allow the Type-F Grenades to be unlocked.

Variants aren't necessarily stronger than the default weapons. They simply offer different performance depending on the play style. The default weapon is usually the most well balanced and is a solid choice if you haven't decided if any of the variants suit your style.

Upgrading Weapons

Upgrading an weapons generally requires the same materials as building a mobile suit, minus the blueprint requirement. All materials are consumed in each upgrading attempt.

The maximum number of upgrades for all weapons is 10.

As the stat is upgraded, the chance of "critical success" and "success" decreases and the chance of failure increases. The failure rate can be mitigated by using gold Master Mechanic tickets.

Note that upgrading will never fail in the traditional MMO sense. You will never lose stats in a failed upgrade attempt. However, the success rate percentages will determine how much a stat increases per upgrade.

Weapon Attributes

Weapon Limitations

There is a limit to the type of weapons you can have equipped at once, presumably to prevent someone from running around with three bazookas. You can view the weapon restrictions on the third tab in the MS Overview menu which is accessible from either the viewing the blueprint or viewing the individual MS in your deck.

See General Overview on how to view the MS Overview menu.

Equipment Sets

Increase Weapon Upgrade Capacity

New to 0083, you can now increase weapon upgrade capacity to 15 upgrades.

You can only get these items from playing Massive VS, as an end of match reward. They have a unique red background.

There is an additional button available, to increase weapon upgrade capacity.

If you reset upgrades to reroll a weapon that has extended upgrade potential, you don't lose the extended upgrade potential.

Normally you can max out 3 stats using 10 upgrades if you get all criticals, with 15 upgrades you can max 4 stats and 3/4s of a 5th stat