The bad news is that Mobile Suit Gundam Online is region blocked and will require a VPN to play.


Mudfish VPN

Highly recommended. It's fast and reliable, easy to configure, and while not free, it sure does come close.

Mudfish VPN charges by actual bandwidth used rather than by a monthly rate.

In addition, this is not a full VPN (although it has the feature) meaning you will only be charged for MSGO-related bandwidth usage.

This means you can browse, download, and do other stuff in the background while playing Gundam with no fear of paying for additional bandwidth usage.

Because Mudfish charges 90 KRW per 1 GB, which translates to about 9 cents per 1 GB, $3 could easily last you an entire year.

Even just a $1 will last you a good 3 months! What are you waiting for? Get Mudfish VPN now.


Recommended Nodes (Check out Status -> Nodes and look for the best JP vpn nodes for you):

Linodes1-3 IDC offer the lowest RTT but are somewhat unstable

Slightly higher RTT but stable


Conoha 3


Tokyo Sakura-Net

Tokyo Linode4


VPN Gate

Not recommended. It's free, but unreliable because it's free. Expect to lag or disconnect frequently in peak hours.

In addition, this is a full VPN meaning all traffic from your computer will be routed through the VPN.

I guess it's better than nothing.
