Captured MS

Captured MS

Starting from the 0080 update, the Captured MS system allows players to pilot mobile suits from the opposing faction.

Going to the Clan menu and click on the last tab will show which Captured MS available to unlock. These are unlocked using points acquired from winning games. You get 10 points for winning a match. While this may seem like a lot compared with the point costs of the mobile suits, anyone in the clan can contribute points towards unlocking a suit.

Unlocking Captured MS

Notice the tier in the previous section? Captured mobile suits must be unlocked in the order shown, but only the first time. Once you've unlocked a captured mobile suit for the first time, that suit can be unlocked without following the tier order. To contribute towards unlocking an mobile suit, click the one you would like to contribute to. Adjust the points you'd like to contribute and then hit the Contribute Points button. Once fully unlocked, the captured suit will be available for anyone to use for one week at which point, it must be re-unlocked. Note pay attention to the suitable terrain of the mobile suit you are trying to unlock. Don't unlock a space suit with the intention of using it on the ground.

Notice that the Level of the suit is 50~92. When you fully unlock a captured mobile suit, a level in this range will be randomly generated. The more often a suit is unlocked, the higher the minimum bound will go up.

Equipping Captured MS

Once you've fully unlocked the captured suit, just click on the mobile suit you'd like to equip, and then select Ground Deck or Space Deck (or both).

Equipping a captured mobile suit costs a certain amount of points based on the cost.

Remember that the captured suit will last one week. If you want to use it for longer, you'll have to re-unlock it. Note pay attention to the suitable terrain of a mobile suit. Don't accidentally put a space suit into your ground deck.

Captured MS Advantages:

    • Doesn't require Deck cost.

    • Doesn't require Deck space. You'll have 4+1 suits.

Captured MS Disadvantages:

    • Cannot sortie in captured mobile suit when the match beginnings. The captured mobile suit will be available to select only after you have lost one of your mobile suits.

    • Cannot equip modules.

    • Can only be used once per battle.

    • Does not count towards Deck Bonus.