Build and Upgrade


In order to build a mobile suit, you must have the blueprint, a mechanic ticket, and any required MS parts. All materials are consumed in each development attempt.

    • Blueprints: Blueprints are obtained from Mission rewards as well as Gashacons and come in silver and gold variants. Mobile suits built from gold blueprints have access to an additional weapon, have a higher upgrade limit, and start with a higher level passive.

    • Mechanic Ticket: Silver mechanic tickets can be brought from the store for 1500 GP each and have a standard rate of success. A golden Master Mechanic ticket greatly increases the chance of a "critical success" and decreases the chance of failures. However, these cannot be brought with GP and can only be earned through limited ways. Use them wisely.

    • MS Parts: Mobile suit parts are given as Mission rewards and can also be bought for GP.

You can build a mobile suit through View Blueprint option on the Mobile Suit Deck. Click on any of the blueprints to view the mobile suit as well as the parts required to build it. When you're ready, click the Choose Mechanic Ticket button.

A panel will pop out asking you to select a mechanic ticket. It shows the success rate percentages for building depending on the type of mechanic ticket used. Once you are ready, go ahead and click the Build button.

Note that development will never fail in the traditional MMO sense. You will never lose your MS in a failed development attempt. However, the success rate percentages will determine how high the base stats of your suit are. A "failure" will result in an MS with low base stats while a "critical success" will result in a suit with very high base stats. Generally the starting level of a suit will range between 1 (failure) ~ 10 (critical success).

Note that base stats cannot be reset. The only way to obtain different base stats is to craft another MS.

If you don't have all the MS Parts required to build the mobile suit, a banner pop up asking if you'd like to buy the remaining parts. Click Yes to proceed with purchase and building the mobile suit.

Once you build a suit, one of a set of three passives will be granted. The passive an MS has access to depends on the MS and can be viewed in the MS Overview. A silver blueprint will start with passive Lv1 while a gold blueprint will start with passive Lv3. See Passive.

Note The passive of an MS cannot be changed and the only way to obtain a different passive is to craft another MS.


Upgrading a mobile suit can be accessed through the View Individual Mobile Suit menu.

Upgrading a mobile suit generally requires the same materials as building one, minus the blueprint. All materials are consumed in each upgrading attempt. Depending on whether a silver or gold blueprint was used to craft the mobile suit, the maximum number of upgrades is 20 for silver or 30 gold. As the stat is upgraded, the chance of "critical success" and "success" decreases and the chance of failure increases. The failure rate can be mitigated by using gold Master Mechanic tickets.

Note that upgrading will never fail in the traditional MMO sense. You will never lose stats in a failed upgrade attempt. However, the success rate percentages will determine how much a stat increases per upgrade.

Just the same as building a mobile suit, if you don't have the required materials to upgrade, the banner will prompt you if you'd like to buy the remaining parts.

MS Attributes Listed in Order they Appear on the Upgrade Window

The Level of a suit tracks how high the overall stats of the MS are. Upgrading a silver blueprint with silver mechanic tickets will generally result in a suit between Lv30 ~ 39. If you are unhappy with the Level of your MS, all upgrades may be reset for a small fee.

Note that the base stats from development will remain when upgrades are reset.

Note also that the Load Capacity is not technically your maximum weight. What it actually means is the amount of weight you can put on your mobile suit without incurring a boost consumption penalty.