Chapter 15

Chapter 15 - This is due Monday, November 28.

This will count as a take home test - Please do it well!

Part I: pp. 673 - 680

  1. What drove European involvement in the world of Asian commerce?
  2. Why were the Muslims an obstacle to this trade?
  3. How did the trade deficit between the east and west fuel European colonialism?
  4. Why were the Portuguese able to dominate the Indian and and East Asian trade by the 1500s?
  5. What role did Vasco da Gama play? Why is his journey so important?
  6. What is a trading post empire?
  7. What was the purpose of the cartaz?
  8. Why did the Portuguese fail to dominate the Indian Ocean commerce?
  9. Why factors contributed to Spain's dominance over the Philippines?
  10. Why did the Filipinos resist Spanish encroachment?
  11. How did the Dutch trade impact and change Indonesia?
  12. Look at the picture on page 680 - Why would this painting be considered biased and clearly Eurocentric?
  13. How did the British East India company differ than the Dutch East India company?

Part II: pp. 681-682

  1. Why did Japan welcome European technology in the early 1600s?
  2. Why did the Shogun (military leader) expel the European by the 1700s?
  3. What impact did this have on Christian coverts and trade with Japan?
  4. Explain the following terms - Shogun, Daimyo, samurai, Tokogawa
  5. Why were the Dutch the only Europeans permitted to trade?

Part III: pp. 682- 685

  1. What major commodity gave birth to the global network of exchange?
  2. What two regions contributed to the sudden increase in the 16th century?
  3. What role did Manilla play in this trade?
  4. Draw a map illustrating this trade route of silver - do not print out!!!
  5. Be sure to include major cities
  6. How did China's tax policy contribute to the value of silver?
  7. How did this demand impact on the Spanish mines in Potosi?
  8. Why did silver actually undermine Spain's economy?
  9. Why did Japan do better with its silver production?
  10. How did silver impact on China's economy?

Part IV: 685-688

  1. What factors contributed to the decline in animal pelts by the 1500s?
  2. What impact will this have on the fur trade?
  3. What regions were important in the Americas for the fur trade?
  4. What role did the Indians play in this trade?
  5. What impact did this have on the environment?
  6. What aspects of the fur trade undermined and weakened the native American populations?
  7. How did the North American and Siberian fur trade differ from each other? How were they similar?

Monday, November 28

Aim: Return exams / review and collect Take Home Assignment from text

What are the global characteristics of trade in the 16th and 17th centuries?

Watch Secrets of an Empire part 1: Way of the Samurai and answer questions

Tuesday, November 29

Aim: Why were the Japanese able to resist European conquest?

HW: DBQ silver and globalization

Flow of Silver DBQ handout - Complete Outline for documents

Wednesday, November 30

Aim: How to write an effective introduction and thesis statement

HW: Complete essay for HW - Counts as an exam

Please be sure to review notes

Thursday, December 1

Aim: Describe the impact of the fur trade on North American natives

Friday, December 2


HW- READ PP689-695 (Put all answers in your own words otherwise it will only receive 7 out of 10 as a start)

  1. What inferences can be made by the map of the slave trade on p. 689?
  2. What new information did you learn from this document?
  3. What impact did the Africa Diaspora have on Europe and the Americas?
  4. Describe slavery prior to the Age of Exploration and colonization of the Americas?
  5. What was distinctive about the Atlantic slave trade?
  6. What did it share with other patterns of slave owning and slave trading?
  7. What explains the rise of the trans-Atlantic slave trade?
  8. Why did West Africa become the source of slaves by the 16th century?
  9. How is racism connected to slavery?
  10. What roles did Europeans and Africans play in the unfolding of the Atlantic slave trade?
  11. What impact did the slave trade have on African communities and empires?
  12. What role did the Portuguese play in the slave trade? Why did it become more competitive in the 17th century?
  13. Where did the slaves come from?
  14. How does the author address the contentious issue of "Africans selling Africans"?

Permission trips for Cloisters and St. John the Divine are due Monday

Monday, December 5

Aim: What factors contributed to the trans Atlantic Slave Trade?

HW: Read text pp. 700-709

Answer the questions which precede each one of the documents 15-1 to 15.4

Tuesday, December 6

Aim: Compare and contrast slavery before and after the Age of Exploration

HW: Enjoy your one night of freedom

Wednesday, December 7

Aim: Identify the factors that contribute to compulsory labor

HW: Watch 30 minute film on Labor System in History

If it does not open up to the video go to Unit 14 and click on VOD - left hand side of the Unit page

View the Video Online(The whole one not the video segments)

View the Video Online

The video explores some of the diverse systems of land and labor that existed before 1500, and contrasts them with the increasingly globalized system of forced labor that resulted from the European conquest of the Americas.

Take very good notes - we will be writing an essay in class on Friday

I will allow you to use your notes - only 1 page (one side)

Change and Continuity Over Time- The theme will be labor

What am I looking for in the film ?

  • Identify some of the diverse systems of land and labor before 1500.
  • Analyze how conquest affected and changes systems of land and labor.
  • Trace how and why labor systems changed on a global scale after 1500.
  • Use specific examples from the film to illustrate your answer
  • What changes? What stays the same?

Chapter 16 - Religion and Science in the Early Modern World

CNN Millenium Series - Portugal and Spain