

- Role of Binet, Terman, Spearman, Sternberg, Goleman, Cattell and Gardiner

- How is IQ formulated? MA / CA

- Achievement tests (AP exams, chapter tests…) vs. Aptitude tests (SATs, IQ tests…)

- Good test design

o Standardization, Reliability (test-retest, split half)

Validity ( face, content , criterion and predictive validity)

- WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale), WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children)

- Special needs children

o Autism, Down’s Syndrome, Savant syndrome, Huntington’s Disease, PKU

- Factor Analysis

- Psychometricians

- “G” Factor (Spearman) - Mr. G

- Cattell - Fluid and Crystalized Intelligence

- Sternberg’s three intelligences - CAP

- Gardiner’s Multiple intelligences

- Goleman Emotional Intelligence - Intra and Interpersonal

- Normal Curve and standard deviation (what % falls within 1, 2, and 3 SD’s of mean?)

Heritability - in-group only with a shared environment

Jensen Controversy

Scarr and Weinberg Adoption Study

Head Start

Test Bias

Bell Curve controversy

Flynn Effect


Testing and Self-fulfilling Prophecy