sex and stress
emotion 2015
Motivation and emotion

These are the key questions on AP psych Test – Please Review

1) What is an example of a drive?

2) What is a misattribution of emotion?

3) Explain the difference between approach- approach and approach- avoidance conflict

4) Why do psychologists believe emotions are innate?

5) Why would a TAT test be used to study achievement?

6) What two factors are appraised in Schacter’s Two Factor theory?

7) What role has Eckman and Plutchik played in the study of emotion?

8) What arousal state is adaptive for coping with important emergency situations?

9) Identify and explain the three key motivational theories

10) Define the term motivation26) How does the Premack Principle work in motivation?

11) What is the difference between an intrinsic and an extrinsic motivation?

12) Starting with biological needs - identify the 5 key needs all humans must meet to become self-actualized

13) What are the 4 essential ingredients of an emotion?

14) What is the difference between an external and internal locus of control?

15) What do lie detectors detect?

16) Why are lie detectors inadmissible in court?

17) What is emotional intelligence according to Daniel Goleman?

18) Why is the hypothalamus so important in drives?

19) Why is the limbic system key in understanding emotion?

20) Why does the body store fat?

21) What is our internal biological scale called?

22) Why is the hormone leptin a key to satiety?

23) What role does orexin play in hunger?

24) What two key parts of the hypothalamus are associated with eating? Which one is associated with hunger? Satiety?

25) What is the key reason Type A individuals are prone to heart disease?

26) Describe why Simon LeVay’s has a biological approach to sexual orientation.

27) What did Darwin discover about emotions

28) To lie well, which would be most important to control? - body language, voice, micro-expression, or behavior

29) Where does arousal in the brain occur?

30) What is the euphemism for fixed-action pattern?

31) What role did Alfred Kinsey play in the study of sex?

32) How do men and women differ in terms of display rules in emotions?

33) Define homeostasis

34) Identify the four stages of Masters & Johnson’s study of sex.

35) Why were Masters and Johnson pioneers in the study of sex?

36) What were the four stages that take place in sex?

37) How do evolutionary psychologists answer the ? why men more promiscuous than women?

38) Which part of the brain is associated with more positive emotions?

39) Why is anorexia so dangerous?

40) Why is genetics unable to answer why there is diversity in sexual orientation?

41) What is the difference between the following statements in terms of emotion

    • We cry because we are sorry
    • We are sorry so we cry

42) Explain the over-justification theory when it comes to professional sports

43) What is the fight or flight response?

44) What is the Yerkes Dodson Law?

45) Explain the inverted U function in arousal.