
Now for Anthems!

· Anthem of the Free Peoples: Increases Combat Morale Regeneration

Effect: This is your first anthem. You use this and your whole group gets a powerful

Morale-regeneration buff for 30 seconds. It’s good idea to try and get this

skill up whenever possible during a fight with a fellowship, as it helps with healing.

· Anthem of Compassion: Decreases Healing Threat

Effect: Another anthem! After using this, you generate less threat with healing abilities. This is good to have up whenever possible, you have three other possibilities so choose carefully!

· Anthem of the Valar: Light-based damaging AoE

Effect: This one pretty simple. This hits your targets, and nearby targets with a huge pillar of light from the skies. It does decent damage, and if you have the trait Battle hymn it also adds In-combat power regen!

· Anthem of the Wizards: Light-based damaging AoE

Effect: Ah, it’s the legendary trait once more. This anthem blasts a group of up to 3 enemies with a large dose of light damage and slows both their attack and movement speed. The long cooldown on this skill (10 minutes) is the only real gripe against it, but with the Warrior-skald line slotted deeply enough, that cooldown is reduced to a mere 3 minutes, making this trait a much more attractive for a Minstrel thus traited.